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What is Lab based Sleep Test

What is Lab based Sleep Test

A lab-based sleep test, also known as a polysomnogram (PSG), is a diagnostic test that measures various physiological parameters during sleep to evaluate the quality and quantity of sleep, as well as the presence of sleep disorders.
During a PSG or Sleep Study Test in Delhi, a patient stays overnight in a sleep lab, where they are hooked up to various sensors that measure brain waves, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, breathing patterns, and oxygen levels. These sensors are attached to the patient's scalp, face, chest, and limbs using small, painless electrodes and belts.
While the patient sleeps, the PSG or Sleep Study Test in Delhi records and monitors their physiological responses, which are later analyzed by a sleep specialist to diagnose any sleep-related disorders. These disorders may include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, and REM sleep behavior disorder.
Overall, a lab-based sleep test is a useful tool for diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, as well as improving the quality of a patient's sleep and overall health.
What is Lab based Sleep Test


What is Lab based Sleep Test


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